Carbon Battle Bus Stranded in Cornwall Unable to Find Charging Station mdi-fullscreen

An electric coach travelling from London to Cornwall for the G7 Summit was left stranded outside the Eden Project over the weekend, after its battery ran out of juice before finding a charging point. Turns out the race to zero is easier than expected…

The Carbon Battle Bus, which attempted the stunt as part of Planet Mark’sZero Carbon Tour’, ground to a halt with hundreds of miles left on the journey, having failed to find a single functioning charging point across their entire trip through Cornwall. Planet Mark’s slogan is “Empowering change ‍for a brighter future”. Disempowered, it doesn’t ring true.

Steve Malkin, Planet Mark’s founder and CEO, claimed they were “on the road to show that zero carbon is immediately possible for every community and organisation in the UK and beyond” – which is strictly true, so long as every community and organisation is happy to fall short of their destination by about 200 miles. 

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mdi-timer June 15 2021 @ 10:37 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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