Tories Ordered to Take Down National Flag by Council Official mdi-fullscreen

Another week, yet more politically correct idiots intent on creating headlinesThis week Guido brings you news from North Tyneside council where a top council official ordered the Tory offices last week to take down their Union Jacks over concerns that, in a publicly funded building, they are “overtly political”. Guido’s not sure why an unelected council official has any right to dictate how the Tory grouping’s room should be decorated…

Guido’s been sent the message in question from Bryn Roberts, the head of “Law and Governance” at North Tyneside Council, noting the issue and saying he “will make arrangements for them to be removed at the end of the day”

We have been trying to contact Bryn all afternoon, if he would like to get in touch and explain how the nation’s flag is “political”, Guido’s sure co-conspirators would be appreciative…

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mdi-timer June 14 2021 @ 16:41 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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