FactCheck: the Secret Barrister’s Boasting and “Weapons-Grade Pomposity” mdi-fullscreen

Two days after the London Bridge terror attack, the PM posted a Twitter thread regarding “inaccuracies” being reported about the release of the attacker. The Secret Barrister then proceeded to attract almost 70,000 likes on a tweet claiming Boris has “basically copied and pasted” a blogpost he had made about said attack “and passed it off as his own”. A bold claim, and incredibly presumptive that No. 10 bother to read his output…

The Secret Barrister re-upped the claim today, again claiming his blog post had been “plagiarised by the Prime minister”. Guido can now categorically disprove the Secret Barrister’s claim.

A screenshot (below) passed to Guido evidences that the briefing given to the PM the day after the attack – and upon which the PM’s Twitter thread was based – was completed over 9 hours prior to the Secret Barrister’s blog post.

A Tory source tells Guido:

“Any lawyer worth their salt could have worked out the circumstances that led to Khan’s release. It took someone working on the campaign a couple of hours to read the relevant judgements and legislative changes so the PM could be briefed on what happened.

“It’s testament to the Secret Barrister’s weapons-grade pomposity and self-regard that they think they were the only person capable of piecing it all together and that the PM is an avid reader of their increasingly hysterical blog.”

There is a condition known as “blogger’s narcissism”, wherein you think your idea is original and that no one will have thought of it, forgetting there is little new under the sun. Long experience teaches us that there is every likelihood someone else could and did think of it. In this case, it is bang to rights, m’lud…

mdi-tag-outline Fact check M'Learned Friends Terrorism
mdi-account-multiple-outline Secret Barrister
mdi-timer June 9 2021 @ 16:01 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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