Labour’s Police and Crime Bill Flip Flopping Hat Trick mdi-fullscreen

Yesterday Guido pointed out two major u-turns from Labour on the police and crime bill working its way through the Commons: previously saying the bill doesn’t go far enough only to now claim it’s too draconian; and calling for statue protection only to now attack the statue protection aspects of the bill. Lammy has now gone for the hat trick…

Yesterday morning Labour was briefing that it agreed “several measures in the bill, such as increased sentences for terrorists and other dangerous offenders”, however Guido has seen evidence that three weeks ago David Lammy was showing resistance to these very proposals, having written to Robert Buckland suggesting “concerns” about the “detrimental impact on minority groups” of “serious sentencing uplifts”; as well as separately questioning the “evidential basis for longer prison sentences” and asking whether they reduce crime. Guido’s source points out the evidence is that people in prison can’t commit crimes against people outside of prison: “that’s the point”…

mdi-tag-outline Crime
mdi-account-multiple-outline David Lammy
mdi-timer March 16 2021 @ 16:59 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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