Starmer Backs Statue Removal

Sir Keir took a surprisingly radical position this morning on LBC’s Call Keir, arguably going further than even Sadiq Khan’s recent statue pronouncements.  Asked by Nick Ferrari if he would support “statues being taken down or street names being changed”, Sir Keir said:

“I think each community, whether it’s London, or anywhere else is entitled to have a conversation about what it wants, in terms of statues and street names. And it needs to be decided, I don’t know, city by city, region by region.”

“I think communities are entitled to express a view on what statues they want up in their area. So I wouldn’t… I’m not sure I see it as a priority in terms of what we’re living through what we’ve got in terms of getting the country back up and running. But if I was living in a community, I probably would like to express a view one way or the other. And I think that’s not a bad thing.”

Aside from the revelation that Sir Keir doesn’t think he lives in a community, the Labour Leader’s warm words towards taking down statues and changing street names actually goes further than Sadiq’s latest spin. In June Sadiq said that any statues with links to slavery “should be taken down”, whereas now (closer to the Mayoral elections) he is now trying to say his woke and extreme panel is “not about removing statues”. Looks like Sir Keir didn’t get the memo…

mdi-account-multiple-outline Keir Starmer Sadiq Khan
mdi-timer February 22 2021 @ 10:36 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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