Starmer’s Speech: Commentariat Reacts mdi-fullscreen

Starmer’s speech is over and the snap verdicts from the commentariat are in. Guido brings you a roundup…

The Independent’s Economics Editor Ben Chu branded Sir Keir’s main policy – a new ‘recovery bond’ as “meaningless“.

The Guardian’s Jess Elgot noted that the set piece policy has already been called for by “Thatcher’s favourite think-tank the CPS

The Mail on Sunday’s Dan Hodges calls the main attack over the economy not credible

The Telegraph’s Tony Diver said it all sounded quite Tory…

Meanwhile the left have decided that Starmer’s speech offered nothing new, and was sincerely lacking. Just hot air…

The Independent’s John Rentoul captured the mood. Starmer was anxious and leaning on his lectern. The whole affair seems a little overhyped…

The Sun’s Harry Cole on the wisdom of pre-briefing the policy proposals as being “on a scale of the 1945 Beveridge Report”

Robert Colvile, boss of the CPS think-tank, quips that “if Sir Keir is now promising not to raise taxes in a recovery and taking up our idea of a recovery bond, perhaps when the rules allow, we should get him in for a lunch in the boardroom and give him some more policy ideas.” Quite…

mdi-account-multiple-outline Keir Starmer
mdi-timer February 18 2021 @ 12:20 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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