EXCLUSIVE: Top Welsh Tories Held SECOND Night of Drinking in December mdi-fullscreen

Guido can reveal that Welsh Tory leader Paul Davies and Chief Whip Darren Millar did not spend just one night drinking together in December after the Welsh drinking ban had been imposed. Both men returned to the same room for a further evening of drinks on the following evening, without Labour MS Alun Davies or Tory MS Nick Ramsay in attendance this time. The original three Tory MS’s have given Guido a statement claiming they:

“recognise that what was part of a day’s work would not be seen to be following the spirit of them, especially given the tough time the country has been going through”.

That statement may now need to be updated to “two days” however, after a Welsh Conservative Group spokesperson admitted that:

“Self-serve catering arrangements were available for Senedd Members on both 8th and the 9th December. Both Paul Davies and Darren Millar used these on both dates and Nick Ramsay used them on the 8th.”

The spokesman did, however, say that that “there was no evening of drinks on either the 8th or the 9th December”, insisting the evening was for work. They added that “the members concerned did not breach coronavirus regulations but have apologised for any negative impression that may have been given. They are cooperating fully with an investigation and will continue to do so.”

Earlier today the Welsh Tory Assembly group met and “extended its unanimous support for Paul Davies to continue in his post as Leader of the Group”. Guido wonders how long that line will hold…

mdi-tag-outline Tories Wales
mdi-account-multiple-outline Alun Davies Darren Millar Nick Ramsay Paul Davies
mdi-timer January 22 2021 @ 16:28 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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