“EU’s Jab Stats Improve When Counted Differently” mdi-fullscreen

There have been some eye-opening revelations from an American Europhile correspondent Dave Keating this afternoon, who claims that if you manipulate Europe’s vaccine data to ignore the UK’s rapid start – or incredibly rapid growth of daily vaccination doses recently – Britain’s lead isn’t as impressive as some “British Conservative politicians” would have you believe. Truly ground breaking analysis…

Unsurprisingly, Keating was one of the now-humiliated Remainers who back in March 2020 predicted Britain’s decision not to participate in the EU’s drug procurement programme would make it “difficult and expensive” for the UK to get vaccinated. Now he’s having to desperately back-peddle… 

Dave’s laughably twisted statistics are manipulated, in reality proportionately twice as many Brits have been vaccinated as any other EU country.

It is a bit like saying that “If you compare space programmes from when they started their moon programme, you’ll find that actually China reached the moon before America did.” It doesn’t make sense in reality.

mdi-tag-outline EU Fake News Remain Vaccine
mdi-account-multiple-outline Dave Keating
mdi-timer January 18 2021 @ 17:16 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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