Birmingham City Hospitals’ Chair Waltzes Off mdi-fullscreen

As major cities like Birmingham ramp-up to avoid a second wave of Covid, it’s all hands on deck for those at the top of the health profession; all except one, however: the chair of Birmingham’s University Hospitals, Jacqui Smith, who has taken unpaid leave from October 1st to appear on the show, bouncing her deputy in to take over her duties while she tangos away. Smith made headlines in 2016 after it was revealed she’s taking home £50,000 a year for just two days work a week…

While Harriet Baldwin MP TweetedSo glamorous- good luck and enjoy!” Birmingham Tory MP Gary Sambrook made clear to Guido he’s less than impressed:

“It’s astonishing timing really. I’m sure if Jacqui was a former Tory Home Secretary many Labour MPs and Councillors would be calling for her resignation. I wish her all the luck anyone would need to learn the salsa but just ask that she remains very mindful of the important work that needs doing outside of the TV studio back home.” 

To give the BBC some credit, their styling department has done an impressive job…

mdi-account-multiple-outline Jacqui Smith
mdi-timer October 19 2020 @ 13:52 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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