Scottish Government Paying Sock Puppet Groups to Advocate Its Own Policy mdi-fullscreen

In an article in Holyrood magazine, a campaign group called on the Scottish government to increase the minimum price of alcohol, in line with SNP MSP thinking. The editorial has been paid for and the group (Alcohol Focus Scotland) is funded by the Scottish government.

Separately, in a recent article in Holyrood magazine, a campaign group says it is is “committed to pushing Scottish Government to make good on its tobacco control promises” backing SNP anti-cigarette promises. The editorial has been paid for and the group (ASH Scotland) is funded by the Scottish government.

Both Alcohol Focus Scotland and ASH Scotland receive a tiny amount from private donations – living largely off SNP-funnelled money. Guido has never seen such classic sock-puppet tactics performed so brazenly…

Hat-tip Christopher Snowdon
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mdi-timer September 15 2020 @ 17:06 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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