Bob Neil to Lead Damp Squib Tory Brexit Rebellion Against Government mdi-fullscreen

Former minister Bob Neil has tabled an amendment to the government’s Internal Market Bill which would give Parliament a veto on overriding the Withdrawal Agreement. Damien Green and Oliver Heald are known to be backing the move, however The Times reckons 30 MPs could rebel. Boris can’t afford to lose more than 40 MPs rebel before his majority is wiped out…

It appears the rebels haven’t been very clever however. Sky’s Sam Coates reports legal sources suggesting the amendment might be a “Trojan horse”, including flaws and loopholes Boris would be able to exploit

A government source tells The Times that unlike the Brexiteer rebels in 2019, those who back Bob’s bill won’t lose the whip, saying “we’re not in the same place”. Could the amendment see both former Tory leaders Theresa May and a Michael Howard turn against the government?

mdi-account-multiple-outline Bob Neill Damian Green
mdi-timer September 11 2020 @ 08:23 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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