Gove and Galloway’s Pro-Union Plotting mdi-fullscreen

Michael Gove raised eyebrows last night, when openly interacting with George Galloway, and seemingly publicly suggesting the Government’s latest tactic to keep the union together as yet more polls show a clear Scottish preference for independence. Giving Scots in England, Wales and Northern Ireland voting rights in any IndyRef2…

Taking to Twitter, the former Respect Party leader argued:

“IF there’s to be a second IndyRef, then 795,000 Scots living elsewhere in the UK MUST have a vote. If UK expats can vote in General Elections from Spain then an existential question like Separatism MUST be answered by all Scots.”

To which the Chancellor of the Duchy mused “interesting question”. 

A Scottish Tory MP emphatically promised Guido that Gove was “just musing out loud”, absolutely sticking to the edict that there is zero prospect of a second referendum and no thought is being given to gaming the rules in the growing eventuality of one. Guido’s not so sure Downing Street is as emphatic as their Scottish MP contingent. Last week, a No. 10 SpAd agreed the UK can’t afford to go into a referendum with independence ahead in the polls – sounds like thoughts are being given…

mdi-tag-outline Freedom for Scotland Scottish Independence
mdi-account-multiple-outline George Galloway Michael Gove
mdi-timer August 20 2020 @ 11:23 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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