Confirmed: Tory Conference Going Virtual mdi-fullscreen

After Guido learnt of the internal decision a few weeks ago, the Conservative Party has just confirmed to members that conference 2019 is going virtual.

Amanda Milling has told members that they do still hope “some aspects” will be able to go ahead in the “physical format”, however will only do so “if allowed by government guidelines and following the strictest safety guidelines.”

Read the email in full below:

Due to the Coronavirus we have had to review how we could hold a traditional Conference in October this year. The Party’s first priority is for the health and safety of members, delegates and attendees.

Following discussions with our partners we have decided that the Conservative Party will host a Virtual Conference and move most of our conference in October online.

We are excited to be working with our partners and suppliers to produce the Virtual Conference and will provide further details shortly, with the full agenda going live in early September. The Virtual Conference will provide a fantastic opportunity for members to share ideas and hear from voices across the Party. Party Conference is a highlight of the political calendar and we know many people will be disappointed if they can’t attend Conference in person.

Whilst we hope we will be able to host some aspects in the physical format, we would only do so if allowed by government guidelines and following the strictest safety guidelines. Members who have already purchased passes to attend the Conference will receive an email with instructions in due course.

We look forward to speaking to you at our Virtual Conference.

A lot of young livers will be thankful…

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mdi-timer July 7 2020 @ 13:08 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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