Channel 4 News Surveys SAGE Members With Unscientific Leading Questions mdi-fullscreen

Channel 4 News is attempting to build up a hit piece on the Government versus SAGE advice, sending a sneaky survey to members of the advisory group. In a classic example of leading questions aiming to confirm a narrative, the survey focuses on disagreement with the government, diving into granular detail emphasising potential points of variance between SAGE and the Government. Guido understands not many members will be inclined to fill it out…

The poll is systemically flawed, the bias in the questions slants the data in an artificial direction that will provide Channel 4 News with the narrative they want. Given that SAGE has been out-of-touch with advice from other countries on lockdowns, testing, and the effectiveness of face masks, perhaps some more dissent from its recommendations wouldn’t be so bad…

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mdi-timer June 12 2020 @ 09:24 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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