Harassing Dom mdi-fullscreen

Jill Mead, who according to her Twitter bio, is a photographer for the Guardian and “champion of the underdog”, says of the above photo “I left a short message for Dominic Cummings and then swiftly fled the scene.” Not reporting what is happening, faking up graffiti for a photo which she sold on…

Yesterday was chaos, when someone is in the eye of a storm they are going to be doorstepped, that is inevitable when you have a free press. Dom is used to seeing them in the mornings, he knows it goes with the job. They are out of control currently, socially mingling on his doorstep day and night as well. Incidentally the video screen on the back of the lorry was blaring out, whilst he was away in Downing Street, an emotive news story about the funeral of a 13 year-old boy who died alone, on a loop. To his son and wife…

Gleefully photographing left-wingers posing to jeer Cummings in the street. Is it any wonder the public’s perception of the media is dropping during this pandemic. Do some editors not think that they might, maybe, be going a bit too far?

mdi-tag-outline BBC Guardian
mdi-account-multiple-outline Dominic Cummings
mdi-timer May 25 2020 @ 10:39 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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