Hobhouse Throws Her Beret into the Ring mdi-fullscreen

Since its announcement yesterday, the nation has become gripped with LibDem leadership election fever. With her timelessly elegant graphics, wardrobe of EU flag berets and catchy slogan “abandon equidistance”, Guido suspects Wera Hobhouse is the leader the LibDems deserve. Of course her entry into the race means a quarter of the parliamentary party are running for leader…

Despite having avoided being part of the Coalition, Wera is a true LibDem – already showing a competent ability to flip flop. After the 2019 election, Hobhouse reluctantly declaredthe battle to stop Brexit is over”. Thankfully this German-born, former Parisian student didn’t stick to her democratic principles for long, now campaigning on a  rejoiner platform for the UK to return to the heart of the EU. With Hobhouse at the helm, the LibDems could be confident of holding onto as many as half a dozen seats in 2024…

mdi-tag-outline LibDem Leadership Liberal Democrats
mdi-account-multiple-outline Wera Hobhouse
mdi-timer May 21 2020 @ 11:02 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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