Labour Councillor Sanctioned for Helping at Food Bank mdi-fullscreen

Despite Sir Keir promising Labour won’t get party political during the Coronavirus crisis, it seems some Corbynistas haven’t got the message. As LBC reported this morning, in April Labour Kensington Councillor Ian Henderson appeared in an uncontroversial video with the Tory MP Felicity Buchan helping a local food bank. With his finger firmly on the pulse of public mood, Kensington Labour’s Group Whip, Sina Lari, swiftly sent a formal warning to Councillor Henderson, threatening that Labour’s governance board would be informed of the appearance. He has been told, in effect, to socially distance himself from the Tories…

The letter sent by Lari claims:

“It is in the Tories’ interests to appear that they are working cross-party in order for them to satisfy the standards set by the Taskforce, LGA and other bodies which have been keeping track of Council performance… Pandemic or no pandemic, you should seek formal advice and approval before appearing in media and publicity done by the Conservatives.”

God forbid Councillor Henderson try helping those in need over virtue signalling for partisan advantage again… 

mdi-tag-outline Labour Party
mdi-account-multiple-outline Kirsty Buchanan Sina Lari
mdi-timer May 5 2020 @ 14:59 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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