BBC Today’s NHS App Expert Was Sadiq’s Deputy Mayor mdi-fullscreen

Radio 4’s expert brought on Today this morning to discuss the new NHS contact tracing app was actually appointed by Sadiq Khan as his Deputy Mayor in 2016, taking home a hefty £130,000 a year for the political role. Matthew Ryder QC’s online pro-Labour anti-Tory and anti-Brexit activism fits with Matrix Chambers, where Change UK MEP candidate and prolific tweeter Jessica Simor also works. Not that Ryder’s political links were flagged up to the audience…

There are legitimate worries about the app, particularly the bizarre decision of the Government to ignore privacy advice from Apple and Google and the example of countries like Germany favouring a decentralised model, instead favouring a centralised version of the app that probably won’t work well, asks for your location, and may be illegal. Scrutiny and criticism is necessary. Perhaps it would carry more weight if it were more transparent…

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mdi-account-multiple-outline Matthew Ryder
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