Sunak’s £35 Million Subsidy to the Corporate Media mdi-fullscreen

The Treasury has just announced that UK newspapers will receive up to £35 million in additional government advertising revenue as part of its COVID-19 communications campaign. The digital spend is splashing out on some of our rivals.* Guido is glad to see that Canary editor-in-chief comrade Kerry-Anne Mendoza is the beneficiary of the taxpayers’ largesse. Rishi Sunak proving once again that the Tories are committed to media plurality…

*No taxpayers are harmed in the production of Guido, none of the team have been furloughed. Nor have we noticed any government advertising coming our way…

mdi-tag-outline HM Treasury The Canary
mdi-account-multiple-outline Kerry Anne Mendoza Rishi Sunak
mdi-timer April 30 2020 @ 15:18 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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