London Assembly Votes To Ban Anonymous Twitter Accounts mdi-fullscreen

The London Assembly is boasting about passing a motion yesterday that means it is now official GLA policy to:

“Persuade the social media giants to ban all anonymous accounts, as these fuel people’s feeling of impunity, freeing them to be abusive online”

The policy piggybacks on the death of Caroline Flack, attempting to exploit the tragedy for a big state power grab. It’s hard to detail how stupid this policy is. Not only would it endanger whistleblowers and those living under despotic regimes, it would also put a sizeable chunk of the online Labour Left out of business. The Labour Party was the only group on the assembly who voted for it, with the Conservatives, Lib Dem, Greens, and Brexit Party members refusing to back it…

The Labour Party’s support for the policy shows that either Sadiq Khan does not understand the internet, or believes that Londoners are stupid enough to not see his naked attempt to make hay of a tragic death. Guido notes it’s now Labour Party policy to require proof of identity to Tweet, but not to vote…

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mdi-account-multiple-outline Sadiq Khan
mdi-timer March 6 2020 @ 16:00 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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