Long-Bailey’s Husband’s Not So Green Deals mdi-fullscreen

Rebbecca Long-Bailey’s husband, Stephen Bailey, works in the chemical industry as global marketing director for the firm BWA Water Additives. Over the weekend it was revealed that he drives a flashy £50,000 Audi A5, and is on a six-figure salary…

Guido can further reveal that Bailey’s firm is heavily involved in supplying the fracking industry, with his company’s website listing “unique, effective chemical solutions.” The website goes on to advertise five different chemical products for “Oil & Gas Fracturing.”

The company provides key fracking chemicals Bellacide 300, Bellacide 350, Bellasol S30, Bellasol S50, and Bellasol S80 abroad. These fracking chemicals are rated as ‘toxic’ and ‘corrosive’ and have caused chemical incidents where they are most widely used in Canada. The chemicals pose “hazards to humans and domestic animals“, and are “fatal” if absorbed or inhaled; once causing chaos when a truck containing Bellacide 300 crashed, spilling the corrosive chemical over the road.

Stephen Bailey’s online resume includes the claim that he has “delivered growth in multiple market sectors including speciality chemicals, industrial coatings, biocides and water treatment.”

Long-Bailey has long campaigned for a ban on fracking, earlier this year writing to Andrea Leadsom “calling on the Government to ban fracking immediately.”  Rebecca Long-Bailey also accused the Tories of “working hand-in-hand with the fracking industry, meeting 31 times in just 3 years.” Which is ironic when her husband’s firm enables the fracking industry to drill whilst she campaigns against them…

A spokesperson for Long-Bailey was contacted for comment.

mdi-tag-outline Fracking
mdi-account-multiple-outline Rebecca Long-Bailey Stephen Bailey
mdi-timer January 14 2020 @ 16:29 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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