Jolyon Admits to Having Government Mole mdi-fullscreen

Guido’s favourite remainiac QC, Jolyon Maugham, made an interesting admission on BBC Radio 5 Live last night, revealing that he has a mole inside Government alerting him to what the defence’s thinking was during the prorogation case.

Jolyon Maugham “I’ve got a very good source who has been pretty consistently right all the way through this process”

Tony Livesey “A mole?”

JM “If you like.”

TL “Oh okay this is interesting so you’ve had someone from within the higher levels of the government leaking you information about their case?”

JM “Er… well… the the the, these things are never quite that direct, but um, errrrrr I’ve got a I’ve got pretty good information let me just leave it at that.”

Presenter Tony Livesey then voiced what leavers have been thinking for a long time. “There are sections of the establishment, the Remain establishment, who are trying to smother Brexit. Now hearing that there was a source in the Government feeding you lines, feeding you their case effectively.” Leak inquiries have been started over less…

Aside from his mole, Jolyon has had some curious foresight in terms of breaking news stories about leaks from court papers. Oddly he sent this tweet two hours before the story was published by Sky News. How would he have known..?

Jolyon then retweeted his wife saying “Revenge of the girly swots.” Interestingly the embarrassing “girly swots” leak was broken by the same journalist who obtained un-redacted copies of redacted papers that would only have been previously seen by a small group of lawyers. Curiouser and curiouser…

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mdi-timer September 25 2019 @ 11:00 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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