‘SuperWoman’ in the Running for Chelsea & Fulham? mdi-fullscreen

Guido hears a rumour that Nicola Horlick, the “Superwoman” fund manager, is in the running to be the LibDem candidate for Fulham & Chelsea. Louise Rowntree, the former candidate says “Wouldn’t she be great? She’d give Greg Hands a run for his money.” It has been impossible to find out anything officially from the LibDems because they don’t answer the phone.

Horlick is a fanatical remainer, she thinks what is happening following the referendum “is reminiscent of the 1930s.” She backs the LibDems and it is in her family tradition, her father Michael Gayford, stood unsuccessfully as a Liberal candidate in the 1970s for the Wirral constituency.  Her flagship crowdfunding business reported a loss of £1.4 million last year and slashed its staff from twelve to one, so she may be thinking it is a good time for a change of career from finance…

UPDATE: Guido reader Philip Thomas gets in touch:

“I stood for Labour against Michael Gayford in the October 1974. His campaign was based on attacking Selwyn Lloyd’s record on Suez which had occurred 18 years earlier!!!!! Obviously Horlick is continuing the family tradition of being out of date.”

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mdi-timer September 10 2019 @ 13:44 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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