Wetherspoon Cuts Price of Pints in Brexit Boost Anticipation mdi-fullscreen

Today, Brexit backing pub chain Wetherspoons are cutting the average price of their pints by 20p, to highlight the benefits of leaving the EU’s protectionist Customs Union. They’re willing to make less money for two months because they’re so confident we’re going to leave on the 31st. Presumably prices would have to rise again if we end up staying in…

The Brexit-supporting CEO Tim Martin said

“At the current time customers and businesses pay tariffs on thousands of products which are imported from outside the EU.

These tariffs are collected by the UK government and sent to Brussels.  Provided we leave the Customs Union on 31st October, the government can end these protectionist tariffs, which will reduce prices in supermarkets and pubs.”

The Guido office knows where it’s going for lunch today…

mdi-account-multiple-outline Tim Martin
mdi-timer September 6 2019 @ 14:01 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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