Gina Miller: PM Has the Right to Prorogue Parliament mdi-fullscreen

Gina Miller let the mask slip today on the BBC’s Today Programme this morning, revealing even she believes that “the Prime Minister does have the power” to prorogue Parliament in the run up to the new Queen’s speech. Despite this, and despite Boris’ prorogation only taking up as few as four sitting days, Miller is pressing on with legal action against the Government to prevent the deliverance of the referendum result. Instead of challenging the act of prorogation Miller will attempt to challenge its “intention”…

Writing a begging letter in a new crowdfunder, the multi-millionaire investment manager asked for Remainers to give her more money for a new court case describing this routine prorogation as “more akin to dictatorship than democracy and as such their legality must be tested in the courts.” Because nothing screams protecting democracy like frustrating the result of biggest democratic vote in British history and attacking a legitimate Government through well funded legal warfare…

mdi-account-multiple-outline Gina Miller
mdi-timer August 29 2019 @ 08:58 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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