Scotland Ready for Raab and Will Back Boris mdi-fullscreen

Remainer Ruth Davidson had been briefing until recently that she would lead a bloc of Scottish MPs to block Boris being selected on the grounds that he will go down very badly in Scotland. However it turns out that when you drill down into the regional data tables of the YouGov poll of all voters for the Tories under different leaders, that actually Brexiteers have more support in Scotland than Remainers. 21% of Scots are ready for Raab and 20% would back Boris. Aberdeen’s own Michael Gove would score only 19% – the same as Theresa May. Remainers Jeremy Hunt (18%) and Sajid Javid (16%) actually poll worse than Theresa May…

Maybe Ruth – who was one of the leaders of the Remain campaign – should listen to her voters rather than her heart on who would be the best Tory party leader. Tory voters in Scotland are pro-Brexit, electing a remainer will actually drive Scottish Tories to vote for the Brexit Party…

mdi-tag-outline Data Journalism Scotland Tory Leadership
mdi-account-multiple-outline Ruth Davidson
mdi-timer June 5 2019 @ 05:46 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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