Rory Stewart’s Mysterious Floating Camera mdi-fullscreen

Unlikely Tory leadership contender and former Labour member Rory Stewart has been busy touring London, asking people to pop over and ask him questions. He spent his bank holiday Monday wandering around Borough Market and Barking where he showed off his language skills and earned multiple comparisons to a Grindr user looking to meet strangers in public. Props to him for effort…

His latest attempt to engage random members of the public was a foray into Kew Gardens (entry £16.50), where he appears to be pretending to hold a camera in front of him, like a real selfie-taking man of the people. Guido at first thought he could own a flashy gyroscopic stabiliser to account for the remarkable stability of the video compared to his erratic arm movements. Further forensic investigation reveals that he can’t be holding it at all as his hand appears several times in the video. So who was holding the camera..?


mdi-tag-outline Tory Leadership
mdi-account-multiple-outline Rory Stewart
mdi-timer May 28 2019 @ 16:03 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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