Brexit Party 18 Points Ahead in Final YouGov Poll mdi-fullscreen

The final YouGov/Times poll before the EU elections has the Brexit Party miles out ahead on 37%, almost double the closest challengers in the form of the Lib Dems. On current polling this would make them the largest single party in the entire European Parliament. Labour have slumped to a poor third and are looking nervously over their shoulders at the Greens. The Tories’ misery continues as they fall further to 7%, this was before May’s offer of a second referendum vote yesterday…

The biggest danger now for the Brexit Party is that they can’t live up to the hype – turnout could be a big moderating factor for these elections which Brexiteers never wanted to happen. The other danger is that Farage starts believing his own hype too much, Guido was at the Brexit Party’s London rally yesterday and the atmosphere was electric, the one slightly off-key moment was when Farage took aim directly at Boris Johnson. Many natural Tory voters are happy to see the party get a bloody nose over May’s handling of Brexit, however if Farage’s goal becomes the wholesale destruction of the Tories they may be less on board…

mdi-tag-outline Brexit Party Polls
mdi-account-multiple-outline Boris Johnson Nigel Farage
mdi-timer May 22 2019 @ 09:59 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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