Brandon Lewis Blasted by IDS’ Association Chairman Over ‘Insulting and Aggressive’ Tory Leaflets mdi-fullscreen

Iain Duncan Smith’s Tory Association Chairman in Chingford and Woodford Green has written to Conservative Party Chairman Brandon Lewis blasting the Tories’ European Election mailshot leaflets which include a link to a website naming and shaming Conservative MPs for not backing May’s deal. As well as including the “daft” suggestion that there was still time for the EU elections to be cancelled altogether…

Not only have the Tories tried to put their own MPs in the stocks, Moss points out that they haven’t even got it right – their entry for IDS himself claims that he has backed the deal all three times (or “Voted for leaving the EU with a deal” as they misleading call it), when in fact he only backed it the very last time:

Moss calls for someone from the Chairman’s office to come to the London Board meeting next week to “explain themselves” for these “appalling decisions”. Read his eviscerating letter in full below:

Dear Brandon, Dear Darren [Mott],

I think it is worth pointing out to you that the website link – which I believe is an insulting and aggressive move against Conservative MPs – is also wrong.

I just checked what it said about our MP, Iain Duncan Smith. It claims he voted for the deal at all three votes. He didn’t on the first two occasions.

I cannot believe we sent out a leaflet saying the elections could be cancelled, which was never likely and even if it had been a possibility that they would take place when the leaflet had to be sent to print, to suggest they could be cancelled makes us look daft by the time they arrived.

To then include the web link is a second, incredibly poor choice. The then have that give incorrect information is unbelievable.

I have fewer and fewer activists willing to do anything. The only thing keeping them in the Party right now is the prospect of voting for a new leader.

I will be raising this at the London Board meeting on 14 May. I would like to think somebody from the Chairman’s office responsible for these appalling decisions will attend to explain themselves.

Yours Sincerely

John Moss

Chairman, Chingford & Woodford Green Conservatives

Area Chairman, London Lea Valley

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