Corbynista Coup Thwarted on Venezuela APPG mdi-fullscreen

There were dramatic scenes in parliament last night at the Venezuela APPG as a group of Corbynista MPs, including Chris Williamson and shadow minister Karen Lee, attempted to stage a takeover of the committee. Amid confusion about when and where the meeting was taking place, the Corbynistas attempted to eject the public from the AGM and force an early vote on the committee while they were in the majority. A classic Chavista-style manoeuvre…

However, the plan was foiled when quick-thinking MPs including Andrew Lewer activated their WhatsApp networks and rallied moderate colleagues, who promptly turned up in large numbers to outnumber the Corbynistas. After APPG Chair and Labour moderate Graham Jones refused to clear the room as the Corbynistas were demanding, Williamson realising he was in the minority got up and stormed out with his comrades. The Venezuela APPG – which is leading the way in exposing the plight of Venezuelan victims of the regime – was within a whisker of becoming a cheerleader for the murderous Maduro regime. As one counter-revolutionary Tory MP quipped afterwards, “Thank God for WhatsApp”…

mdi-tag-outline Venezuela
mdi-account-multiple-outline Andrew Lewer Chris Williamson Graham Jones Karen Lee
mdi-timer October 11 2018 @ 16:51 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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