King Launches Blistering Attack on Government’s Brexit Strategy mdi-fullscreen

Former Bank of England Governor Mervyn King has launched a blistering attack on the Government’s “incompetent” approach to Brexit. Speaking to the BBC, he said that it “beggars belief” that the people tasked with preparing the country for Brexit had “brought us to a position where we’re now being told that we have to accept a certain course of action, otherwise it will be catastrophic”. He also slammed the Government for not having a “credible bargaining position” as a result of its failure to plan adequately for no deal as undermining the negotiations. Something Brexiteers have been saying since day one…

“We haven’t had a credible bargaining position, because we hadn’t put in place measures where we could say to our colleagues in Europe, ‘Look, we’d like a free-trade deal, we think that you would probably like one too, but if we can’t agree, don’t be under any misapprehension, we have put in place the measures that would enable us to leave without one.'”

Before more shameless Remainers try to follow David Lammy’s lead and twist his comments into pro-Remain propaganda, King already made clear in the interview that his comments were specifically about the Government’s preparations for Brexit, and not the merits of Brexit as a whole:

“It doesn’t tell us anything about whether the policy of staying in the EU is good or bad, it tells us everything about the incompetence of the preparation for it.”

King is an intellectual heavyweight who has long spoken about the potential benefits of Brexit. He is struggling to find any in the Government’s approach…

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mdi-timer September 5 2018 @ 09:45 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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