‘Agent COB’ Doesn’t Deny Passing Information to Commie Spies mdi-fullscreen

Worth reading closely the legalistic wording of this statement provided to the Sun by “Agent COB”:

“The claim that he was an agent, asset or informer for any intelligence agency is entirely false and a ridiculous smear. Like other MPs, Jeremy has met diplomats from many countries. In the 1980s he met a Czech diplomat, who did not go by the name of Jan Dymic, for a cup of tea in the House of Commons. Jeremy neither had nor offered any privileged information to this or any other diplomat.”

Jezza says he “neither had nor offered” any “privileged information” to the Czech spy. That is denying something different. The Czech secret police files claim Corbyn gave them a newspaper article about MI5 and discussed his take on British security measures, neither of which would count as “privileged“. There is no denial from Corbyn that he passed information to Britain’s enemies at the height of the Cold War. What did he talk to them about? Was he really naive enough to believe this was just a “diplomat”? Many questions to answer…

mdi-tag-outline Communism Labour Party Loony Left Spies
mdi-account-multiple-outline Jeremy Corbyn
mdi-timer February 15 2018 @ 08:36 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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