Khan Gets Brexit-Bashing Corbynistas To Write His ‘Independent’ Impact Papers mdi-fullscreen

Sadiq Khan might be on the other side of the world but that isn’t stopping him trying to grab headlines in remain papers: he announced today he is preparing his own Brexit impact papers on London. The reports, examining nine sectors, will be published next month. Sounds like a job for some independent experts, right?

Khan has commissioned Cambridge Econometrics, of which Jeremy Corbyn’s loudmouth ‘economics guru’ Richard Murphy is a director. Murphy adheres to the Corbynista creed of high taxing, high spending (he wrote a book called ‘The Joy of Tax’, which is a bit of a giveaway). Even The Guardian found Murphy immodest: he said in an interview “I’m well aware that there is one Treasury minister who is now referring to me as the Right Honourable Lord Murphy.” Murphy also claimed he was set for a SpAd job in the Shadow Treasury team. John McDonnell didn’t see it that way…

Murphy’s entirely glum outlook on Brexit is a matter of record. Check out his prediction that Britain would be in a recession in the event of a Leave win:

“I would argue recession is unavoidable. Investment in the UK will go on hold during renegotiation. No big business is going to sink millions or even billions into our economy without knowing what the future terms of UK trade might be. In itself this will be enough to trigger recession”

Nice one, professor…

And what of Murphy’s attitude towards those who support Brexit? In a piece entitled ‘The poverty of Brexit’, he argues Brexiteers are “intellectually bankrupt”:

“Those with a certain political philosophy are even more intellectually bankrupt than even the most sceptical of us thought. More worrying is what follows. Actual poverty will increase as a result of these failures. And that matters.”

Unsurprisingly, Cambridge Econometrics has already predicted that Brexit will harm the UK economy:

“The consensus among economists is that Brexit is likely to have a negative net effect on the economy. Losses are likely to outweigh any economic gains, in both the short and the long run.”

The organisation also said Brexit would harm economic growth:

“In the short term, we expect continued uncertainty to dampen growth, as business investment and household consumption weaken.”

Moreover, the firm’s managing director, Philip Summerton, regularly re-tweets prominent Remainers including Chuka Umunna, Caroline Lucas and Will Straw. Guido thinks he can guess what the conclusion of Khan’s impact papers will be…

mdi-account-multiple-outline Sadiq Khan
mdi-timer December 8 2017 @ 16:05 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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