LibDem HQ Accused of Hushing Up Rape Allegation mdi-fullscreen

The LibDems have finally been dragged into the Westminster sex scandal after a series of allegations were raised online over the weekend. One activist claims LibDem HQ hushed up a rape complaint made against a party activist: “the general LibDem HQ approach to dealing with sexual assault complaints is to say ‘report it to the police’ and then hush it up.”

A LibDem spokesperson confirmed to Guido a party member has been suspended:

“These allegations were referred to the police for investigation. A member of the party is suspended pending the outcome of that investigation. If an allegation is made against a party member, the disciplinary procedure is triggered immediately with an investigator talking to witnesses.

“If someone has an allegation of a criminal nature against a member of the party, we would urge them to go to the police. If they were unable to do so, we would refer it to the police on their behalf.

“Our party has a clear and robust complaints procedure set out on our website. We take any such complaints extremely seriously. If anyone has any complaints, we would urge them to come forward as set out on our website, and our pastoral care officer will make prompt contact.”

Meanwhile, a website called “LibDemsToo” has been set-up by party volunteers to catalogue “a sexism within the UK Liberal Democrats” and provide “useful links for taking action”. One account reads:

“A fellow male activist of a similar age (20s) was drunk at conference and when saying goodbye at the bar he tried sticking his tongue down my throat. It was horrible and I’m wary to be around him (especially after he has had a drink as he can’t seem to control himself).”

Doesn’t look good…

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mdi-timer November 6 2017 @ 12:26 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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