Keep Hezbollah Members in Labour, Local Party Hears mdi-fullscreen

At a meeting of the Labour Party’s Queens Park branch last night a member argued that supporters of Hezbollah should be allowed to remain in the party. An astonishing account of the meeting was tweeted by a Labour member who took part in the discussion:

As Camden Tory council candidate Henry Newman puts it:

“Last night Hampstead and Kilburn Conservatives were proud to mark a century since the Balfour Declaration. It’s frankly terrifying that Labour activists could be asked to justify why murderous terrorists such as Hezbollah should have no place in the Labour Party. Or that condemning terrorists could be seen as sowing division within Labour? When will the Labour Party get a grip on antisemitism?”

What is going on in Labour at the moment?

mdi-tag-outline Anti-Semitism Hezbollah Labour Party
mdi-timer November 3 2017 @ 13:44 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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