Stanley Johnson Backs Brexit “The Time Has Come to Bail Out” mdi-fullscreen

Boris has managed to win over one of the most ardent remain camapigners – his father Stanley. The former Tory MEP who once headed the European Commission’s Environmental Action Programme has been won over by his son’s arguments and Juncker’s over the top speech outling his vision for a pan-European government. Writing for BrexitCentral he says

For me the critical moment came a couple of weeks ago when EU Commission President Juncker gave his State of the Union address to the European Parliament. The vision he presented of an EU with a single government, and with directly-elected EU ministers with EU-wide responsibilities, including finance and defence, was quite simply – it seemed to me – totally over the top.

Up until then, I was still ready to argue that if you wanted to steer the ship in a different direction, the best thing surely was to stay on board and try to seize control of the steering wheel. In other words, fight from within for change.

But the ship metaphor doesn’t really work. The train metaphor is a better reflection of reality. Mr Juncker’s Federal Express is heading down the track at an ever-increasing speed in a direction we really don’t want to go. Even if Britain stayed on board, I doubt if we would be able to change the points on the track ahead, or even slow the train down.

Boris, I have to say (but I would, wouldn’t I?), wrote a brilliant 4,200-word article in the Daily Telegraph pointing all this out at more or less the same time that Mr Juncker was giving that unfortunate speech. Boris argued that for 40 years Britain has been trying to nudge the EU towards a different destiny and on the whole we have not had much luck.

The time has come to bail out, he asserted. I agree. We may argue about the length of the transition or ‘implementation’ period but there cannot surely be any longer any doubt what the ‘end-state’must be.

So that just leaves his sister Rachel, who has swung her vote to the LibDems, to be won over by the famously persuasive powers of Boris…

mdi-account-multiple-outline Boris Johnson Stanley Johnson
mdi-timer October 5 2017 @ 08:40 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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