Laura Pidcock Aide Celebrated Thatcher’s Death mdi-fullscreen

Much-criticised Labour newbie Laura Pidcock is now famous for her self-professed “visceral” hatred of “Tory women”, especially of her parliamentary counterparts. Turns our her staff share her sentiments…

Pidcock employs Ben Sellers, whose online outbursts are fashioned in the mould of his boss. Former Militant member Sellers is behind the bonkers unofficial @JeremyCorbyn4PM Twitter account, which is so unhinged the Leader’s Office won’t have anything to do with it publicly.

He writes for a self-styled ‘radical’ blog called The World Turned Upside Down, where he has boasted of how he celebrated the death of Margaret Thatcher with a takeaway: “I can understand, and would never condemn people, for celebrating the end… Tonight, I’ll get a carry out.” Nice.

He’s less harsh on terrorists, writing:

“The ironic and tragic thing, of course, is that this political discourse has done nothing but aid and abet more violence, more injustice and more terrorism. Even so, we are not allowed to challenge it, for fear of being labelled “apologists”. What is also tragic is the way that the left has been so cowed by this narrative that it has responded by obediently shutting up, or even worse, joining in the crusade against a monolithic terrorist “monster.”‘ 

Though we did enjoy him moaning about the “Guido-fication” of internal Labour politics:

“The more pernicious side of this policing is that it is actively encouraging a politics of ‘doing each other over’ or what we might call the ‘Guido-fication’ of the Labour Party. Guido Fawkes is a Twitter-based project which seeks to ‘out’ politicians and political activists, who – according to their Thatcherite moral universe – have transgressed the norms of political discourse… To Guido, all activists must behave, and always have behaved, in a manner suitable for high office.”

Behave, Ben…

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mdi-account-multiple-outline Ben Sellers Laura Pidcock
mdi-timer August 31 2017 @ 13:36 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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