No, The Media Is Not Treating Finsbury Park Differently mdi-fullscreen

A lot of people who should know better are claiming the media reported today’s Finsbury Park attack differently to attacks committed by Islamist terrorists. Their theory is that the media aren’t calling what happened today “terrorism“, and are instead using the word “incident“. This really is misleading and hugely irresponsible, deliberately stirring up the idea of some huge media conspiracy. As James Bloodworth points out, the media reported today’s attack no differently to the way it initially reports all attacks. During both the London Bridge attack and Westminster attack, coverage initially used the word “incident”…

As annoying as it is for the lefty virtue signallers of Twitter, journalists have to get the facts from the authorities before they can call an incident a terror attack. As soon as the government and police called it a terror attack, the media immediately followed suit:

Also worth noting that because the alleged attacker was captured alive and arrested, reporting restrictions apply so as to not prejudice any future trial. Shoddy stuff from those journalists and celebs claiming conspiracy…

mdi-tag-outline Terror
mdi-account-multiple-outline JK Rowling
mdi-timer June 19 2017 @ 13:30 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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