Tyrie Quits mdi-fullscreen

Andrew Tyrie’s statement:

“After very careful thought, I have decided to stand down from Parliament. The hardest part of my decision has been that I have the most welcoming, generous and beautiful constituency in the country.

There have been many challenges, not least helping to rescue St Richard’s A&E from closure, getting the cash to improve sea defences, and helping to secure emergency funding for Chichester’s flood relief scheme.

It has been an exhilarating twenty years. I have done what I can to make a contribution, particularly in efforts to improve banking standards and to shape a more trusted and resilient financial sector after the crisis of 2008. I have also sought to play a part in reviving Parliament’s relevance, not least by making the case for Select Committee chairmen to be elected by their fellow MPs. Stronger Committees now demand better explanations for the decisions made by ministers, regulators, and quangos than hitherto.

I particularly want to thank my colleagues and the staff on the Treasury Committee who have worked with me to drive these changes forward.

I am confident that Theresa May will lead the Conservative Party to a decisive victory at the General Election, and will continue to give the country the strong and effective leadership that she has already shown as Prime Minister. “I remain deeply committed to public service. I am determined, and hopefully young enough, to contribute in other ways in the years ahead.”

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mdi-account-multiple-outline Andrew Tyrie
mdi-timer April 25 2017 @ 13:20 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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