Tory Whip Withdrawal Rumours Played Down mdi-fullscreen

The BBC’s Norman Smith set off the rumour mill with this intriguing tweet this morning:

Chances it’ll happen? It would mean withdrawing the whip from the likes of Ken Clarke, a Tory MP for 47 years. It would mean war with Tory Remainers. It would mean reducing May’s majority. It could well mean going to the country to secure a giant Commons Brexit mandate. Which is tempting for Brexiters though out of kilter with the PM’s cautious approach. There is already some push back at the speculation, Guido is told that conversations along the lines of withdrawing the whip have not been had. Sort of thing someone might put out to frighten rebels, but not actually do…

mdi-tag-outline Tories Whips
mdi-timer March 8 2017 @ 09:58 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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