Tristram Hunt on Centre-Left’s Existential Crisis mdi-fullscreen

Outgoing Tristram Hunt gives his final Commons speech:

“I represent a constituency that voted 70-30 to Leave the European Union… This division of opinion between the official Labour Party position and many of our heartland voters have served only to highlight some of the deep-seated challenges which centre-left parties are facing. From Greece to the Netherlands, Sweden to France, the combination of austerity, globalisation and EU policy has hammered social democratic politics… What Brexit has done is exacerbate the divergence of priorities between what the Labour voters of Cambridge want, and those in Redcar, Grimsby or Stoke-on-Trent. Keeping a metropolitan and post-industrial coalition together is no easy task.”

In other words, Labour is increasingly irrelevant in Brexit Britain, and Tristram doesn’t have the answer…

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mdi-timer January 18 2017 @ 16:54 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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