McDonnell Wanted to Arm Working Class, Now Swears Allegiance to Queen mdi-fullscreen


Last night John McDonnell swore allegiance to the Queen as he was appointed to the Privy Council. The final act of selling out for the Shadow Chancellor, who Guido can reveal just five years ago backed calls to arm the working class and mount a revolution. In 2011 McDonnell wrote the foreword for a pamphlet by the Trotskyite organisation Permanent Revolution, in which he endorsed the “timely” proposals and “range of resistance” detailed inside. That resistance included calls for a “militant movement” to carry out a “revolution” and bring down the government:


And the pamphlet endorsed by McDonnell also called for the working class to be “armed” so they could disband the army, police and secret services:


Just a few years ago John McDonnell was an ultra-republican who backed calls for the violent overthrow of the British state, to arm the working class and form a militant movement which could fight the police and the British army. Now he’s on bended knee to the Queen having joined the Privy Council, the epitome of the establishment. Is there a bigger sellout in British political life?

mdi-tag-outline Labour Party Trotskyites
mdi-account-multiple-outline John McDonnell
mdi-timer November 17 2016 @ 10:53 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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