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WikiLeaks has revealed Louise Mensch’s support for Hillary Clinton included a private suggestion for an advert for her campaign. Louise has since switched support to independent candidate Evan McMullin who she calls an “actual Republican” – even though he is not the official Republican candidate. This was the email from Louise which was forwarded to the Democratic campaign in February:

“Her competence and intelligence are beyond doubt, her problem is warmth.

If I may, here is an ad I would love to see run;


A succession of mostly young women, a few old women, one with a baby daughter, multiracial and multi-occupation, to include a nurse and a woman in uniform of some kind where permitted… one after the other, smiling and looking to camera and saying ‘It’s our time.’ and the last woman says, ‘It’s our time. I’m with her.’

fade to banner credit ‘Hillary 2016’ “

Here was her response today:

However here is her tweet from yesterday, happily attacking Clinton from Wikileaks emails.

Go figure.

mdi-tag-outline US Politics Wikileaks
mdi-account-multiple-outline Louise Mensch
mdi-timer October 12 2016 @ 17:45 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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