Corbynistas Used Code to Hide Cash-For-Votes Plot mdi-fullscreen


Members of a private Facebook group which organised £25 payments for people to vote for Corbyn used an unsubtle code to disguise what they were up to. Thousands of Corbynistas signed up to the secret “Gimme 25 page” yesterday, all asking for the exact same sum, £25, to pay their “internet data” and other necessities by the exact same deadline, 5pm. The fee to vote in the Labour leadership election was £25 and the deadline was, you guessed it, 5pm. Guido has spoken to one source who joined the group and submitted a request £25 to vote for Owen Smith. The administrators of the group did not approve his post. Labour successfully shut down one group doing similar but last night large numbers claimed to have successfully had their votes paid for via “Gimme 25”. Good luck weeding them out, Iain McNicol….

mdi-tag-outline Labour Leadership Labour Party
mdi-timer July 21 2016 @ 10:13 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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