BSE Weaponise Brussels Attacks mdi-fullscreen

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Twitter jumped on the outrage bus yesterday when Telegraph columnist Allison Pearson and UKIP’s Mike Hookem suggested the Brussels attacks were another reason to vote Leave. Yet the lefty social media echo chamber declined to lose it over Britain Stronger in Europe’s email this morning, which quoted Theresa May as saying the attacks showed why we should Remain:

“The Home Secretary and the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police both say today, in the aftermath of the tragic attacks in Brussels, that Britain is safer in Europe, and leaving would put us at risk. Theresa May said the EU is “of benefit” to British security, because “we work with others to ensure we can respond” to terrorist attacks.”

May’s team were keen to stress yesterday that her comments on security were made prior to the attacks, and that she wouldn’t use a tragedy to make a political point. So BSE misquoted the Home Secretary to weaponise Brussels…

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mdi-timer March 23 2016 @ 15:21 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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