You Can’t Be Soros: Lib Dem MEP Raking It In Off Weak Pound mdi-fullscreen

Catherine Bearder

A Lib Dem MP has been caught bragging that the weak pound has recently meant that her €96,000 pay has risen some 10% in sterling terms. Catherine Bearder laughed telling the Lib Dem’s Regional Conference in Theale that it had been “a good week for me”. Stunned silence greeted her comments which she claims were intended only as a joke. The South East England MEP tells Guido:

“This was meant as a comic aside in a much longer discussion about the impact of Brexit on the UK economy.

Guido presumes that from these remarks she is in favour of Brexit. If the pound plummets further she – like Britain’s exporters – can keep coining it in…

mdi-tag-outline EU LibDems
mdi-timer March 4 2016 @ 16:11 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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