David Owen Backs Brexit mdi-fullscreen

The SDP founder says in a statement he is backing Vote Leave:

“To remain in the EU is in my judgement a more dangerous option for British security in its deepest sense – economic, political, military and social – than is being admitted or even discussed in the wake of Cameron’s failed negotiations…

This UK referendum is, like all previous referendums, a once-in-a-generation opportunity. There are many positive aspects to leaving the EU. We will make our own laws again in our own parliament. We will rediscover the skills of blue-water diplomacy and rise to the challenge of global markets. It could be the spark we need to re-energise our nation. 

The pre-eminent need will be to become more productive and competitive, something driven by investing in research and training and through welcoming immigration from people from different countries who can contribute most to our economy and to our quality of life. These are changes that have a cost attached to them but they are necessary in or out of the EU. They have been largely ducked by political leaders in all parties in recent years. They cannot be ducked any longer if we decide to leave. That in a nutshell is the case for leaving: a challenge and an opportunity.”

Also handy for Vote Leave in terms of the designation stakes…

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mdi-account-multiple-outline David Owen
mdi-timer February 24 2016 @ 22:35 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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