BBC World News Broke Broadcast Rules by Running Green Propaganda mdi-fullscreen

bbc green

BBC World News has systematically been accepting ready made green propaganda programmes that were given to them for free or for negligible cost. They then ran the content as current affairs programming without telling their audience.

The shocking revelation are made in an Ofcom report that shows BBC World News consistently broke broadcast rules. The offending shows include:

Taking the Credit – a programme about carbon trading that was produced a funded by a third party. BBC World News ran it in the run up to the Copenhagen climate change summit. Ofcom found it broke Rule 9.1 of the broadcasting code prohibiting of the sponsorship of current affairs programming.

Burning Bush and  REDD Alert – programmes with considerable emphasis on climate change and the potential role of the the UN Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (REDD) might play in combating it. REDD funded both programmes. Ofcom found it broke three rules concerning the sponsorship of news and current affairs programmes.

Conservation from Chaos – a show was funded by the United Nations Environment Programme the United Nations Development Programme that again plugged the UN’s REDD Programme. Ofcom found it breached three rules concerning the sponsorship of news and current affairs programmes.

 Hard Rain 1 and Hard Rain 2 – both programmes examining the apparent plight of the Pacific state of Kiribati in the face off climate change were funded by the United Nations Development Programme. Ofcom found it breached three broadcast rules concerning the sponsorship of news and current affairs programmes.

The BBC are covering the release of the Ofcom report by highlighting that it criticised ITV’s Britain’s Got Talent for misleading viewers about a stunt dog… Imagine the outrage of these shows had been sponsored by an oil company…

mdi-tag-outline BBC Gaia Fawkes
mdi-timer August 18 2015 @ 16:04 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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