CWU Backs Corbyn, Rejects Winning mdi-fullscreen


“I am delighted to announce that the CWU will be backing Jeremy Corbyn MP to be the next leader of the Labour Party.

There are no quick fixes for the Labour party, but there are some easy decisions and choosing Jeremy as its leader should be one of them.

We think that it is time for a change for Labour. The grip of the Blairites and individuals like Peter Mandelson must now be loosened once and for all. There is a virus within the Labour Party and Jeremy Corbyn is the antidote.

We reject the notion that Labour needs to move to the centre ground of British politics. The Centre ground has moved significantly to the right in recent years. We do not see arguing for fairer wealth distribution, decent jobs with good pay, terms and conditions and a substantial increase in affordable housing for the next generation as a left wing agenda.

Jeremy agrees with the vast amount of CWU policy, ranging from opposing the selling off of Royal Mail, to offering a real alternative to austerity, and repealing anti-trade union laws.”


mdi-tag-outline Labour Leadership Unions
mdi-account-multiple-outline Jeremy Corbyn
mdi-timer July 30 2015 @ 14:06 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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