Kendall Backs Harman in Welfare Row mdi-fullscreen

All eyes on Liz Kendall after Burnham, Cooper and Corbyn all rejected Harriet Harman’s call to support the Tories on curbing tax credits yesterday. The Blairite candidate prevaricated at this morning’s never-ending Victoria Derbyshire hustings, but she did broadly support her interim leader:

“Where there are things in the welfare bill that are wrong we should oppose them, like the cuts to tax credits without putting in place a real living wage that we can afford.

But I think Harriet was right to say that we have to provide an credible alternative. You said to us, we don’t trust you on the money, we don’t trust you on welfare reform. If we carry on making the same arguments as we have over the last five years we’ll get the same results. Harriet was absolutely right to say that.

I want to support what Harriet said, we have to listen to what people have said to us, that they didn’t trust us, and we have to change as a party. 

I think many parents who are on tax credits have to make difficult decisions about how many kids they can have and how many kids they can afford.”

The implication being that she supports curbing tax credits if Labour “put in place” a “credible alternative”. They’ll be mocking up new ‘Tory Liz‘ graphics before the hustings are over…

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mdi-account-multiple-outline Liz Kendall
mdi-timer July 13 2015 @ 10:01 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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